Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend Media Accreditation Is Open

OTTAWA, CA - May 08, 2014 /CNW/ - Credential registration for the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend is open. The deadline to submit credential applications is Friday May 16, 2014.

Media passes are required to access the Media Center, Finish Lines, and lead vehicles. To do this, please fill out the accreditation formin the Media section of www.runottawa.ca.

Your request will be reviewed and you will receive confirmation, including detailed instructions on where to pick up your passes, the week of May 19.

Please bear in mind that media credentials are limited and the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend reserves the right to grant finalassignments



For questions or information

Annie Boucher
Relations avec les médias | Media relations
Fin de semaine des courses Tamarack d'Ottawa | Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend
613-863-3702 (SMS and voice)

@aboucherfuse | @ottawamarathon | #TORW2014