Hockey fans unite: National pledge launches to support the Ottawa Senators

    Scotiabank challenges all Canadians to sign online pledge and enter
    for a chance to win tickets to game six in Ottawa

    TORONTO, May 30 /CNW/ - Calling all hockey fans! Whether you're
Oilers-obsessed, a Leaf-lover, Flames fanatic, or a committed Canadien or
Canuck - the time for icy hockey rivalries is over. Scotiabank is challenging
all Canadians to take an online pledge to bring the world's greatest trophy
back to Canada - the nation where hockey was born. Toronto Mayor David Miller,
Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan and Calgary Mayor Dave Bronconnier will be the
first three Canadians to pledge their support.
    The campaign, launched this week by Scotiabank is challenging all
Canadians to pledge their 'hockey-loving' souls for the duration of the series
(but only for the duration of the series) and support the Ottawa Senators. The
online pledge wall will go live Thursday May 31st at 5 a.m.
    "Hockey was born in Canada and is a part of our national identity.
Launching this pledge is Scotiabank's way of helping Canadians unite for a
great cause - bringing hockey victory back to our country!" said John Doig,
Senior Vice President of Marketing at Scotiabank. "Our goal is to get all
Canadians to sign our virtual pledge wall by the final game."
    Participants that make the pledge can also enter for a chance to win two
tickets to game six in Ottawa on June 9th. The prize also includes
transportation to Ottawa, accommodation and $500 spending money. (Should there
not be a game six, winners will be able to attend an opening Canadian game of
their choice next season).

    The Scotia Pledge

    I, __________
    devoted fan of the ____________________________
    solemly swear to set aside team rivalries
    for the duration of the season
    and pledge my support
    to the remaining Canadian team.

    I hereby dedicate my hockey-loving soul
    to their quest to bring the glory home
    to the place where hockey was born,
    where the game was perfected,
    where its spirit runs deepest,
    And where the world's greatest trophy belongs.

    To make the pledge, visit (Pledge will go live
May 31st at 5 a.m.)

For further information:
For further information: Lindsay Mattick Davidson, Office: (416)
644-4123, Cell: (416) 908-7360,;
Amanda Alvaro, Office: (416) 644-4122, Cell: (416) 453-7399,