Media Advisory - CONTACT Photography Festival and Scotiabank Present: THREADS of HOPE - Experience Southern Sudan

    TORONTO, May 7 /CNW/ -

    Once they were slaves - Now they are entrepreneurs
    Once they were child soldiers - Now they build schools
    Once they knew only conflict - Now they live with hope

    22 disposable cameras were distributed to men, women and children of
South Sudan. Their photos, collected together, are titled Threads of Hope. See
the world through the eyes of former child soldiers, slaves, nurses, teachers
and school children as they tell their stories through the lens of a camera -
sharing their stories of courage and hope.What:     VIP and Media Tour

    Who:      Members of the media Members of the public

    When:     Tuesday, May 8, 2007
              10 a.m.

    Where:    Scotia Plaza, main banking hall
              44 King Street West, Toronto, M5H 1H1

    Why:      In January, 2007, a Scotiabank employee traveled to South Sudan
              with the Canadian Association of South Sudan where they
              explored, engaged and aided in the lives of the people in the
              province of Aweil East. This exhibition commemorates the
              stories of their lives, full of courage and hope. Scotiabank is
              also this year's presenting sponsor of CONTACT Photography
              Festival.Scotiabank is committed to supporting the communities in which we live
and work, both in Canada and abroad. Recognized as a leader internationally
and among Canadian corporations for its charitable donations and philanthropic
activities, in 2006 the Bank provided more than $42 million in sponsorships
and donations to a variety of projects and initiatives, primarily in the areas
of healthcare, education and social services. Scotiabank is on the World Wide
Web at

For further information:
For further information: Livy Feldgajer, Scotiabank Public Affairs,
(416) 866-6203, or